
Showing posts from July, 2013

Strategies for game developer’s in mobile games

It's important to understand what attracts your users to your game in the first place (why users are playing your game).  Try to apply retention strategies, game mechanics, and tactics that enable users to enjoy that aspect of your game as soon as possible in gameplay. Today the mobile gaming market is going some major changes – more than 60% of the games are using freemium model. It means that a player play for several days in one game and then download a new game. Strategies for game developers: Must build a good game – design, story and sound. Add "play with friends" mode to your game.  This will help the game to increase user retention as they are playing with friends. You probably know draw something, song pop, words with friends or scramble with friends.  Duel platform gives you the ability to add this layer for free and the integration is simple. Here are a few related tactics and game mechanics that can think about applying to retain and engage your u

Pixel vs. Texel

Digital images are composed of dots arranged on a grid. Each of these little dots is called a pixel, a contraction of the term 'picture element'. The same is true of the texture graphics that get drawn onto polygons in 3D games; a Texel simply a pixel within a texture image. Pixel is the fundamental unit of screen space. Texel, or texture element (also texture pixel) is the fundamental unit of texture space. Textures are represented by arrays of Texels, just as pictures are represented by arrays of pixels. When texturing a 3D surface (a process known as texture mapping) the renderer maps Texels to appropriate pixels in the output picture. Between, it is more common to use fill rate instead of write speed and you can easily find all required information, since this terminology is quite old and widely-used. As part of their performance specifications, graphics cards often describe how many Texels they can process each second. This is their texture fill rate: the num

Difference between Editable Poly & Editable Mesh

"Historically, 3D Studio DOS and then MAX were based around Tri Meshes from the beginning. N-polygons (where N is 3 or more) usually have to be broken down to triangles at a certain stage of the calculation in order to be able to calculate the normal and the shading of the surface. The Editable Poly is not just another way of looking at things; it is based on a completely different internal data structure. Originally, it was developed by the makers of the Nendo and Mirai software (whatever their name is today). The popular name of the technology is "Winged Edges". The implementation of this new data structure started during Max 3 development (but there was no UI exposure in 3), then the basic UI came in Max 4 and was extended by Laszlo Sebo's Mesh tools, and matured in Max 5. N-polygons (where N is 3 or more) usually have to be broken down to triangles at a certain stage of the calculation in order to be able to calculate the normal and the shading of the s